Doing business smartly: Keys to making the most of the Tianguis Turístico

GTO. Travel
2 Min Read

This week, the Tianguis Turístico will take place, in its 48th edition, which claims to be the most important tourism event in Latin America, which according to its numbers is true.

However, on this occasion, I would like to address the perspective of the exhibitors and the return on their investment.

Is attending the Tianguis Turístico profitable?

I am aware of different companies and especially tourism offices that ask themselves this same question year after year, their most common response is: “Well, we can’t afford not to go.” Well, you shouldn’t respond like that!

Indeed, the Tianguis is a business platform, where you can offer your products, there will be thousands of people eager to hear you out, that is the best virtue of this event, that we all go with the predisposition to do business, listen and of course interact with our peers throughout the country. Just for that reason, it’s worth the investment!

However, in this industry, we cannot afford to invest our resources poorly. That is why the invitation is to become efficient in their use; economically, humanly, and time-wise. Let’s minimize what brings us little… let’s maximize our exposure and sales potential.

The most tangible example is from the last Tianguis, where Michelle Fridman broke the mold and instead of spending on another cocktail, invested in a series of Food Trucks; knowing that whenever you leave these events, you’re hungry, she placed a couple of them outside the cocktails, where you would find a delicious Yucatecan meal waiting for you. And oh, what a delight!

Let’s realize who we’re talking to and what we’re talking about; we are tour operators. Let’s create experiences.

Now, if “well, you have to go,” at least go greet everyone, make some public relations, and you’ll get something out of it!

We’ll catch up later.

Anyway, there’s tourism for days, there’s conversation for days…

See you soon.

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